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FormX Academy


Notre objectif

Au fil des années, vous nous avez souvent demandé des ateliers et des formations.
Nous pouvons désormais répondre à cette demande dans notre nouvelle FormX Academy. Différents artistes professionnels, modélistes et designers vous feront découvrir les spécificités dans leur domaine d'expertise . Nous organiserons des cours d'introduction pour les novices ainsi que des cours avancés pour les professionnels. Parce que notre activité principale restera la distribution de matériel de conception, nous pouvons proposer ces formations avec à un prix abordable. Nous élargirons notre offre au fil du temps.

Réservez votre cours ci-dessous

FormX Academy Courses

  • la fabrication de moules - 1 jour : 21/01/22

    Apprenez les bases. Apprenez à connaître les différents matériaux de fabrication de moules ... et quand utiliser lequel ... obtenez une expérience pratique ...

    181,50 EUR

  • Modelage de portrait basique - 1 jour : 18/12/21

    Si vous avez toujours voulu apprendre le modelage réaliste, c'est votre chance. Un sculpteur expert vous initiera aux principes anatomiques du modelage.

    116,16 EUR

  • Lifecasting - Visage & Main - 1jour : 14/01/ 22

    Les Lifecasts peuvent être la base d'accessoires de théâtre ou de modèles anatomiques. Les Lifecasts sont également fréquemment utilisés dans les projets d'art moderne.

    116,16 EUR

  • Jesmonite Terrazzo - 1 Jour: 26/11/21

    Jesmonite AC100 est devenu très populaire pour créer un effet de terrazzo unique dans le monde entier

    116,16 EUR

FormX Academy General Information

Here are some key points about our workshops:

Lunch / Break moments

The Workshops at the FormX Academy are divided into 4 blocks with a break after every 2 hours. The first is a 15 minute coffee/tea break, then a 30 minute lunch break, and the last is another 15 minute coffee/tea break.

NB.: Due to the current corona rules, we do NOT supply lunch - please bring your own. Coffee and tea are provided and can be consumed throughout the day.

Amount of Participants
In order to give the participants maximum attention, we set a maximum number of students per workshop. In this way we also comply with current Corona regulations.


We supply the needed molds or models for the workshop on which the taught action(s) can be performed. Everyone goes through the same complexity of learning process. Of course, specific questions can also be asked during and after the workshop for solving challenges in your own projects.

Corona Measures at the FormX Academy

At the workshop we will observe the following Corona rules, based on our industry protocol, the guidelines of the RIVM and the central government.

⦁ Participants must show a valid QR code before entering our facility.
⦁ Always keep 1,5 meters away from the other participants and teacher(s) during the entire duration of the workshop.
⦁ Each participant has their own work location and their own set of tools
⦁ No shaking hands or other physical contact
⦁ Wash your hands often with soap or use hand sanitizer.
⦁ Make sure you are present at the specified address no more than 5 minutes before the start of the workshop.

Do you have any health issues?

The health of our participants, teacher trainers and location employees is central. It is therefore imperative that when you have a workshop and any of the statements below apply to you, you stay at home and contact us:

⦁ You cough, have a cold or your temperature is higher than or equal to 38 degrees Celsius.
⦁ You have been asked to go into isolation.
⦁ In your household someone is coughing, someone has a cold or the temperature is higher than or equal to 38 degrees Celsius or has been asked to go into isolation.

The FormX Academy Team

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